Saturday 24 May 2008,

heeeeyyy!! thanks claire for making the blog.. allow me 2 be the 2nd person to write. anyways.. i think i will strt cooking once our term holiday strts.. that means that i will be cooking back in brunei! weee~ at least i cud use some of my mom's utensils more freely and i will have the opprtunity to use them anyways rather than them being placed in kitchen cupboard..lalal.. okey.. im off..

Thanks agen claire!!

We can upload as much recipies we like ryt? 4 is lil i gez.. haha.. i think we should try 2 do as much as we can so we can compile for future usage/references..

Love u guys!


12:12:00 am

Friday 23 May 2008,

Finally, our food blog has been created.

I had originally gone for an address which looks something like this, but unfortunately it has been taken by 4 girls.. Their last post was written in 2006 and the blog lasted only 4 months! What a waste.. We could have taken that address otherwise..

Anyway, I did a little investigation and have concluded that these 4 girls are from the United Kingdom. One of them by the name of Zoe is in a 24 year old ESL teacher, whatever "ESL" means. I'm also pretty sure they're really good friends and that they all hold different jobs.. Haha.. Yes, I read their blog.. Wasn't trying to be a stalker or anything but you know.. Lol.

Well enough said about the wasteful people who took our "should-have been-url-address"..

The first recipe shall be posted out real soon, I promise.


11:47:00 pm